Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BIG Mistake!!!!!

The excitement of a new big girl bed

The aftermath of the first trial run

The morning after Lauren's first night sleeping "in" her big girl bed

Against our better judgment, we decided to convert Lauren's crib to a toddler bed. We had a reason for doing so, and that reason is that I'm recovering from a hysterectomy/appendectomy so I can't lift Lauren into her crib. We figured that she would need a bit of time to adjust to the new situation however we never expected the trauma that ensued! Dennis converted her bed on Saturday morning (8/9) so our first trial run with the bed was at nap time that afternoon. We laid Lauren down for her nap at 2:00. She immediately ran to her closed bedroom door and kicked the door and screamed off and on until 3:00. When she wasn't screaming she was playing with her toys and opening her window shutters. She then read books in her bed until approximately 3:30. We got her up at 4:00 so she got a half an hour nap. She usually naps for at least 2 hours. She woke up a "little" on the crabby side. The next trial run was bed time. We did the whole bed time routine then laid her down. Once again, she jumped out of bed and screamed and kicked at the door. This time it was for 30 minutes. When we went to check on her, she was sleeping face down on the floor by the door. Dennis carried her to bed, but the next morning we discovered her asleep on the floor right by the bed. The third trial run was at nap time the next day and it was the last one. This time she kicked her bedroom door so violently that we could have sworn there was a 300 pound Sumo wrestler on the other side of the door. Needless to say, she did not nap on Sunday. Dennis and I caved and converted it back to a crib. I'm happy to say that Lauren is much happier and so are we : ) I'll just help Lauren climb into her crib. Here are some pictures of the whole experience!

Face Painting Maniacs

My mom was here two weeks ago helping me with my recovery from surgery and she saw this picture of the girls on my desktop. She loved it and wanted me to post it on my blog so here it is. This was taken in April at the Asparagus Festival in Stockton. Haley LOVES having her face painted and she always gets a butterfly face painting. The painter convinced us to do a full face painting rather than just on the cheek. Here's the result. Lauren wanted a ladybug.