Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring is Sprung!!!!

The girls in their Easter dresses

Haley's work of art

Lauren's lovin' this Easter egg tradition

Our Easter bunny prefers the color pink

Lauren and her cousin Lainie had fun with chalk grafitti on Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful time with my parents and the Williams family (my sister Tezra's family) on Easter Sunday. Haley and Lauren think that any activity that involves their cousins is 100 times more fun! They loved finding eggs, riding bikes down the driveway, drawing with chalk on the backyard wall, and eating candy all afternoon with their cousins Alorah, Isaiah, Alaina, and Micah. Of course, after eating candy all afternoon, none of the kids were hungry by the time the ham dinner was ready but that's what holidays are all about. We were all sad to say goodbye to my parents and the Williams family. I'm so looking forward to my summer break so that we can spend more time with family.